Golden Mean 2025 Call for Artists

Not your typical 10×10

Coconino Center for the Arts (CCA) is seeking submissions for a unique exhibition fundraiser designed to support both CCA and local artists, January 18 – February 8, 2025.

The Golden Mean—also known as the Golden Rectangle or the Golden Ratio—is dimensions set to 1:1.618. We see this represented in the Fibonacci Sequence, in a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers: 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, etc.

Artists are invited to donate up to three artworks that have dimensions aligned with the Golden Mean. If you’re particular, there’s a handy calculator for this equation:

But, we are also willing to accept artwork with dimensions that are in close proximity to the golden ratio. You will find that these are commonplace, standard dimensions: 3 x 5, 5 x 7,12 x 18, 24 x 36, 32 x 48, etc.

All artwork, including media such as sculpture and video, that roughly meets these dimensions will be accepted. Artwork content is open, and does NOT need to address the golden ratio in the subject-matter.

How it works: All artworks will be priced at a starting bid of $100. Every piece sold at this initial bid will result in CCA receiving $100 to support exhibitions and programming at CCA. Subsequent bidding levels follow the Fibonacci Sequence, with artists receiving a relative increase percentage on each higher bid:

Initial Bid: $100; CCA $100

Subsequent Bid: 100+100=$200; CCA $100, Artist $100

100+200=$300; CCA $100, Artist $200

200+300=$500; CCA $200, Artist $300

300+500=$800; CCA $300, Artist $500

500+800=$1300; CCA $500, Artist $800

800+1300=$2100; CCA $800, Artist $1300

1300+2100=$3400; CCA $1300, Artist $2100

2100+3400=$5500; CCA $2100, Artist $3400

…and so forth.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: December 1, 2024

Receipt of Artwork: January 6-8, 2025

Exhibition Dates: January 18 – February 8, 2025

Opening Reception: January 18, 2025

Return of Unsold Artwork: February 10-12, 2025


Artists may submit work in any medium, including but not limited to painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, digital media, writing, and performance. Proposals for sculptural installations are welcome. There is no application fee for this exhibition.

Submission Guidelines

Submit up to three pieces, with dimensions aligning with the Golden Mean.

By December 1, complete Exhibition Submission Form.

  • Image files, named with the last name of the artists and title of artwork as follows:
    • “1_Smith_Title.jpg”
    • “2_Smith_Title.jpg
    • “3_Smith_Title.jpg”
  • Include in notes: Title, Date, Medium, Dimensions, and Retail Value
  • Artwork must be ready for display, with specific instruction for any non-standard display methods. 2D drawings and photographs must be framed, with any alternate display methods clearly described with submission.
  • Images and descriptions of accepted works may be used for online auction and publicity purposes.


  • The artist is responsible for all delivery and return shipping arrangements and costs, including insurance during transit.
  • All work shipped (UPS or FedEx only) must include a prepaid return shipping label and must be sent in reusable cartons/crates. Works submitted without this label and a reusable carton or crate will not be returned.
  • Creative Flagstaff, Coconino Center for the Arts, and Flagstaff Arts Council will assume no responsibility for any damages incurred during shipping.

THE GOLDEN MEAN Exhibition Contact

Erin Gardner

Exhibitions and Outreach Coordinator, Coconino Center for the Arts

For More Information

Coconino Center for the Arts

Apply Now:

About CCA

Coconino Center for the Arts is central to Northern Arizona’s vibrant creative culture, fostering an engaged, equitable, and imaginative community. Managed by Creative Flagstaff, CCA serves the arts, science, and cultural sectors of Flagstaff. CCA’s facilities include a 4000 sq ft Main Gallery that will host the CUMULUS exhibition, an adjacent 215 sq ft Project Gallery; and an intimate 200-seat Theatre. CCA is located on US 180 enroute to the Grand Canyon.