Frederica Hall: One Blood at the Precipice

April 13 – June 8, 2024 in the Project Gallery

Performance: Mysterious Orphic Songs of Whales, April 13, 6 pm

Artist Talk: June 6, 6:30 pm

Flagstaff artist Frederica Hall engages a multi-disciplinary approach to visual arts and performance art, informed by reflections on challenging matters of present times.

“As a creative I look for an inquiry that is relevant to myself and the state of the world, something that can engage me deeply.

In 2000 I had the opportunity to go to Australia, camping and painting for a few months, I went to Uluru and met the grandson of the head of the Uluru tribe and spent a day following him around Uluru stopping at sacred sites where he traditional could share some ancient stories with me and my husband. His stories taught me that there is only  ‘One Blood’ between all species, and that we are all woven together in this living breath of the creator. Every being is equally essential in this great dream time tapestry.

I grew up close to nature filled with bees, birds, frogs, crickets, grasshoppers, iridescent june bugs, nighthawks, snakes, creeks filled with fish, mountains with coyotes, elks, deer, moose, bear, in wild nature.

I have also had the opportunity to experience the stark difference between the natural world and living in the heart of New York City, constructed of steel, cement and pavement, below and above, with the constant rumbling of traffic and subways and the dazzling artificial colors glaring both day and night.

In my lifetime I have experienced a drastic diminishing of wildlife and habitat.

‘The One Blood project’ has sprouted from this soil.”

  • Exhibition Dates
    April 13 – June 8, 2024

  • Location
    Project Gallery