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Opening Reception Saturday, April 12, 2025

  • Members Preview 5 – 6 pm
  • Public Reception 6 – 8 pm

There is no doubt we live in challenging times. The impacts of climate change are being felt by more people than ever before. We are witnessing major challenges to long held frameworks and systems – like colonization, capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy – as well as the backlash to these challenges. Much like Mother Earth, these frameworks have reached their limits. Today’s context calls for abilities, skills, and frameworks that most of us have not been equipped with. Thankfully, they are available and ready for us to pick up.

THE FUTURE IS INDIGENOUS claims this reality. Indigenous cultures and frameworks offer important contributions on the pathway through recovery, and to a healed and balanced world. One such framework is the Seventh Generation Principle, which asks the current generation to make decisions that will benefit not only us, but also the seven generations after us.

The contemporary indigenous artists participating in this exhibition not only showcase Indigenous excellence in the arts, but will also offer their grounded, unique, and courageous messages to us and the next seven generations. – Jihan Gearon, Curator

Image credit: Corey Begay, Taìcheeh (Sweatlodge), Acrylic on canvas, 30″x30″

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