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Instructor: Gwen Waring

Date/Time: Saturday, August 17, 3-6 pm

Location: Aspen Corner

The second class in this plein air workshop series. The course will examine and study our local landscapes through painting, to work on learning to see. With luck, there will be clouds, though the lovely setting with be wonderful to consider, too. Though this class is offered as part of a series, you can choose to sign up for one or both of the workshops.

This late afternoon session will include painting in an aspen grove on the edge of Hart Prairie. We will meet at Aspen Corner off the Snowbowl Road. Plan on carrying a simple rig: paints, brushes, sketch pad, paper towels, a small stool or chair, and snacks. Be prepared for a little walking, as we will walk a few hundred feet once we arrive at Aspen Corner.

This will be a general session, with a few warmup exercises to gain perspective, then a consideration of these landscapes, through painting, using the medium you provide, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, oils, etc. I will provide pastels. All mediums can be used with a recommended sketch pad, while a few heavier pieces of paper, including cardstock, can be used, too.

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