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Instructor: Jodie Hollander

Date/Time: Saturday, July 27 from 1-3 pm

Experience art at a new level and use it to inspire your writing with Poet Jodie Hollander. In this workshop, participants will respond poetically to Coconino Center for the Arts’ new exhibition Cumulus: The Art of Meteorology. Students will study examples of celebrated poems that respond to or were inspired by art and will be led through a variety of writing activities, ultimately leading to a draft of an original poem. Students will discuss poetic techniques such as the use of vivid imagery, the importance of sonics, how to shape a poetic line as well as techniques for drafting and revision.

Bio: Jodie Hollander’s work has appeared in journals such as The Poetry Review, Poetry Magazine, The Yale Review, The Harvard Review, Poetry, PN Review, The Kenyon Review, Poetry London, The Hudson Review, The Dark Horse, The New Criterion, The Rialto, Verse Daily, The Best Australian Poems of 2011, and The Best Australian Poems of 2015. Her debut full-length collection, My Dark Horses, was published with Liverpool University Press & Oxford University Press. Her second collection, Nocturne, was published with Liverpool & Oxford University Press in 2023 and was longlisted for the Laurel Prize in nature writing. Hollander is the recipient of a MacDowell fellowship and a Fulbright fellowship in South Africa. She is also the originator of ‘Poetry in the Parks,’ in conjunction with several National Parks and Monuments in the US. She currently lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.

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