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As the central figure within Indigenous storytelling traditions of the Interior Northwest, Coyote navigates the tenuous and tumultuous present in Coyote Makes a World, a collaborative project between the Forest, a cooperative percussion ensemble featuring Gustavo Aguilar, Leah Bowden, Andrew Drury, and Michael Wimberly and storyteller/vocalist čnaq’ymi (lone eagle). Centered on stories that embody the qualities of long held Native storytelling traditions, here Coyote encounters the contemporary crises of our times, oblivious to the consequences of his actions in ways that are familiar, unsettling, and often humorous. Set within a wide-ranging rhythmic landscape layered with songs and mesmerizing vocalizations, Coyote Makes a World reflects the world we’ve made while taking the listener to places they’ve never been..

$15 General Admission
$7 Students 

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Thank you to Americana Motor Hotel, our lodging partner for visiting artists and performers.

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