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Professional Development Workshop Series: Artwork Photographic Documentation

Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 9am-noon

FREE EVENT; Registration Required

Instructors: Julie Comnick, Interim Executive Director, Creative Flagstaff; Jay Gallegos, Venue Manager and Lead Graphic Designer, Creative Flagstaff

Nothing matches the visceral experience of viewing artwork in-person. But in reality, original artwork is most often viewed through reproduction—websites, social media, print catalogs—and professionally photographed artwork is critical to the success of artists who are applying for grants, exhibitions, residencies, fellowships, and other creative opportunities. Professional photography can be expensive for an artist to document their entire portfolio.

This workshop teaches the artist to professionally photograph their own work—paintings, drawings, and sculpture—along with post-processing, editing, and formating for digital platforms and professional applications. Camera equipment and editing software available for participant use at Coconino Center for the Arts.

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