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Who We



About the Digital Resource Center

The Digital Resource Center offers a lending library of photography, video & audio production equipment, collaborative workspaces, an editing studio equipped with a suite of creative software, open lab hours for individualized mentorship and troubleshooting, and ongoing workshops focused on digital literacy and new media approaches to mission-based work and art making.

Opened in May of 2022, the DRC is made possible by the generous support of the Thoma Foundation, which awarded a $100,000 Digital Changemaker Grant in June of 2021. This in addition to support provided by over 100 community donors.

Who we serve

The Digital Resource Centers aims to provide further opportunity to the cultural and creative sectors of Flagstaff, including nonprofit organizations, working artists, students, and creatively inspired individuals seeking to learn more about how digital technologies can be utilized in the creation of impactful content and art. Understanding that such technologies are often employed as tools working towards justice and equity, the Digital Resource Center remains committed to diverse inclusivity across the broad spectrum of Flagstaff’s diverse population, with the intention of providing accessibility to people of all ages and abilities.

Lending Library

Our current resource collection includes:

  • Mirrorless 4K cameras & lenses
  • Action Camera
  • Fluid head video tripods
  • Digital audio recorders
  • Wired and wireless microphones & cables
  • Boom Pole
  • Studio headphones
  • Mobile phone stabilizers
  • LED lighting kits
  • Chromakey green screen kit
  • 4-channel video switcher
  • 17” MacBook Pros
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • DaVinci Resolve


The Digital Resource Center will soon offer a variety of paid borrower plans. With discounts available to students, educators, working artists, seniors, active military, and current Coconino Center for the Arts members. Please check back often for more information on registering to become a borrower.

Where necessary, resources will be made available to active DRC workshop participants.

Workshops, training & Curriculum

The Digital Resource Center is excited to offer the following workshops starting in the coming months
  • Youth Media Production
  • Your Website: A Digital Transformation Workshop
  • Digital Marketing
  • Podcast Launch: Six Week Podcasting Intensive

Workshop details and registration on the events below.
Please register early to secure a spot.

Upcoming Workshops

REGISTER Instructor: Erika Tsouras Date/Time: Saturday, March 8, 11:30 - 12:30 pm or 1 - 2 pm; Ages 7-14 FREE: Registration required In celebration of CCA’s annual Youth Arts Show, come get a little messy and try out two different kinds of printmaking! Monotype involves adding and removing ink from a flat surface and [...]

REGISTER Instructor: Erika Tsouras Date/Time: Saturday, March 8, 11:30 - 12:30 pm or 1 - 2 pm; Ages 7-14 FREE: Registration required In celebration of CCA’s annual Youth Arts Show, come get a little messy and try out two different kinds of printmaking! Monotype involves adding and removing ink from a flat surface and [...]

Artwork Photographic Documentation

May 3 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Professional Development Workshop Series: Artwork Photographic Documentation Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 9am-noon FREE EVENT; Registration Required Instructors: Julie Comnick, Interim Executive Director, Creative Flagstaff; Jay Gallegos, Venue Manager and Lead Graphic Designer, Creative Flagstaff Nothing matches the visceral experience of viewing artwork in-person. But in reality, original artwork is most often viewed through reproduction—websites, social [...]