
TINA MION: Memento Mori

“Memento Mori” is Latin for “remember that you will die”. Memento Mori paintings were common in Europe and throughout the world until the last century. They were not meant to [...]



LOCAL : COLOR is an art exhibition about connections. We invited six artists who live in Flagstaff to participate. In turn, those six artists each invited three more local [...]


(un)Still Life

(un)Still Life was open January-February 2014 at the Coconino Center for the Arts. Through the exhibition, we aimed to explore both the commonality of the human experience through the medium [...]


It’s Elemental – 2013

The popular fine crafts exhibition, It’s Elemental, showcases works of art by the finest craftspeople in Northern Arizona. The annual juried show features jewelry, ceramics, glasswork, wood, furniture, fabric, sculpture and [...]


Four Corners

The Four Corners unifies the cultures and territories of the southwestern United States, similar to the four corners of a quilt joining together layers of fabric. Quilts were considered [...]


It’s Elemental 2012

The popular fine crafts exhibition, It’s Elemental, showcases works of art by the finest craftspeople in Northern Arizona. The annual juried show features jewelry, ceramics, glasswork, wood, furniture, fabric, [...]


Beyond the Border

Flagstaff Arts Council was very pleased to have presented this stunning and powerful art exhibition, which was open September 22, 2012, through October 31, 2012, at the Coconino Center for the [...]


Across the Divide

Across the Divide encompassed the vast array of contemporary ceramics in the sculptural and installation genres. This exhibition used the Continental Divide as a metaphor for the artist working [...]


It’s Elemental

The popular fine crafts exhibition, It’s Elemental, showcases works of art by the finest craftspeople in Northern Arizona. The annual juried show features jewelry, ceramics, glasswork, wood, furniture, fabric, [...]


NightVisions IV – 2011

Night Visions IV was a collection of artwork explores and celebrates the night sky and the deep, positive connection that human beings have with the night. This exhibition was a national [...]


Landscape Interrupted

In contemporary times it is hard to consider nature as having it’s own entity. Humans have become part of the identity of the natural world and it’s becoming difficult [...]